1. Log in to UH UNIX (Secure Shell in Windows)
or (Putty)
and create a Java application that fulfills the following requirements:
- Write a program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius or
vice versa.
- Display the following menu:
--Degree Conversion Program--
1. Transform Fahrenheit to Celsius
2. Transform Celsius to Fahrenheit
0. Exit
Your choice??
- If the user selects 1, he/she will be prompted to enter the temperature
in Fahrenheit to be converted to Celsius.
- If the user selects 2, he/she will be prompted to enter the temperature
in Celsius to be converted to Fahrenheit.
- If the user enters a 0, the program will end.
- Make sure to validate all user input (menu input, degree input).
- The program must loop until the user chooses to exit. Do not exit if the
user enters invalid information.
- Use the following formulas:
C = 5 * (F-32)/9
F = 1.8 * C + 32
Where C is degrees Celsius and F is degrees Fahrenheit.
- All the information should be validated (catch the possible
- Note: If the program doesn't compile or if the program crashes you
will get no credit
- You need to write comments using
JAVA coding standard - failure to do so will result
in up to a 30% deduction from your score.
2. Open Pine (Getting
Started with Pine, PDF) and send an email with the file attached to ics111-lab@hawaii.edu account.
- Your e-mail should have the following subject: lab X / lastname (substitute
the lab number for 'X', and lastname should be substituted for your lastname) Not following this standard will result in a deduction
of points.
3. Check the webpage to make sure that the e-mail arrived at
grading policies on your lab, click here...