ICS 111, Introduction to Computer Science: Grading Policies
Lab Grading Policies:
Lab assignments are worth a total of 30% of your grade.
Each lab assignment is individually weighted. Most labs will be worth one point, but later in the semester when labs become more difficult and / or span over more than one lab session, more than one point per lab assignment may be given. Labs will be worth one point unless otherwise stated on the lab assignment.
Partial credit can be given on labs (such as 0.75 on a 1 point lab).
Each lab assignment is due by midnight (no later than 11:59 p.m.) on the date of the second lab section (Wednesdays and Fridays - see each individual lab for due dates).
No credit will be given if the lab is late (even one second late is considered late).
No credit or partial credit will be given if the lab does not satisfy the requirements listed for that particular lab.
Homework Grading Policies:
Homework assignments are worth a total of 15% of your grade.
Contact your TA for questions regarding the grading of the homework.
Each homework assignment is weighted equally and is out of 100 points.
See individual homework descriptions for more information on requirements and deadlines.
How many points will I lose for...
Lateness: For deadlines and late policies, see the homework assignment and course syllabus.
Won't Compile: -60 pts
Doesn't follow specifications: range from 1 to 50 points depending on the case.
Wrong e-mail subject: 10 points
Bad/incomplete comments: 10 points (unless otherwise specified)
Cheating Policies:
Each instance will be individually dealt with by the Teaching Assistant and the Instructor.
Penalties can range from a zero on the individual assignment to being expelled from the University. Please read the University's policy on Academic Honesty by clicking here. More information on your rights as a student, cheating / plagiarism, and general campus polices can be found here.
For more information on the grading policies, please see the syllabus
Last updated by Matthew Sharritt on January 6, 2005