General Impressions:
These articles are very interesting to me. They provide insight into how games might be brought into the classroom- the circumstances that might make them successful. Current school systems would be problematic as gaming would challenge the traditional forms of learning / pedagogy currently in use. Successful implementation might mean a shift in learning theory- which should be welcomed given the success of most of today's schools.
I am not sure whether I should focus in on the school system itself- although the topic needs to be addressed, I'm not sure I want to focus on it- I would probably prefer to be more forward-thinking, focusing on the 'ideal environment' that educational / serious games could create.
Annetta, Leonard. Murray, Marshal. Laird, Shelby. Bohr, Stephanie. Park, John. “Serious Games: Incorporating Video Games in the Classroom.” Educause Quarterly. 2006 Vol 3
Foreman, Joel. “Game Based Learning: How to Delight and Instruct in The 21st Century” 2004.
Squire, K. (2005). Changing The Game: What Happens When Video Games Enter the Classroom? Innovate 1 (6), 2005 -
Federation of American Scientists (2006). "R&D Challenges in Games for Learning." Federation of American Scientists, Developed at the Summit of Educational Games, October 2005 (Washington, D.C.). Available:
Note: this summary is also listed as a primary topic. I believe this source could be a starting point for a dissertation- it contains key areas where research is needed to advance educational gaming as a legitimate tool / practice that should be utilized in schools' curriculums. I think there is great potential to turn one of the research areas into a dissertation proposal.
More information on the summit is available at:
Full report, with more motivation for research is available: "Harnessing the Power of Video Games for Learning." Available: