General Impressions:
These sources are great for online communities- which relates to some gaming, such as MMOGs. We read many of these topics in ICS 668, and while these articles generally don't refer to gaming (aimed more at Internet / online communities in general), they could yield some insight into the benefits of online culture, online group membership (CoPs), and the dynamics of group cognition / IMM (intersubjective meaning-making).
Suthers, D., Vatrapu, R., Medina, R., Joseph, S., & Dwyer, N. (2007).
Conceptual representations enhance knowledge construction in asynchronous
collaboration. Submitted to Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2007.
Suthers, D., Medina, R., Vatrapu, R., & Dwyer, N. (2007). Information sharing is
incongruous with collaborative convergence: The case for interaction. Submitted
to Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2007.
Suthers, D., Dwyer, N., & Vatrapu, R. (2007). A methodology and formalism for
eclectic analysis of collaborative interaction.
- My Summary (of the three above)