Links to Literature Pages

General Impressions:

These sources are great for online communities- which relates to some gaming, such as MMOGs.  We read many of these topics in ICS 668, and while these articles generally don't refer to gaming (aimed more at Internet / online communities in general), they could yield some insight into the benefits of online culture, online group membership (CoPs), and the dynamics of group cognition / IMM (intersubjective meaning-making).

Suthers, D. (2006).  Technology Affordances for Intersubjective Meaning-making: A Research Agenda for CSCL.  International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 1(2).

Community aspects

Communities of Practice

Online Communites

Identity and Community


Research methods

Suthers, D., Vatrapu, R., Medina, R., Joseph, S., & Dwyer, N. (2007). Conceptual representations enhance knowledge construction in asynchronous collaboration. Submitted to Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2007.

Suthers, D., Medina, R., Vatrapu, R., & Dwyer, N. (2007). Information sharing is incongruous with collaborative convergence: The case for interaction. Submitted to Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2007.

Suthers, D., Dwyer, N., & Vatrapu, R. (2007). A methodology and formalism for eclectic analysis of collaborative interaction.