p. 267: How messed up today's schools are
Different learning mediums have tradeoffs... which one is best? Each type of learning can have it's own preferences, each type of learner can have their own preferences... how do we / teachers decide?
We need a knowledge building community that transcends school walls, so that knowledge construction can be a collective goal (utilize educational technology for social support)
CSILE- a means for restructuring classroom discourse to support knowledge building communities that go outside the school
Schools favor inert knowledge and don't utilize tacit knowledge- opposite relationship needed to create experts
Paper favors a knowledge building community (community of inquiry) to help fix these problems
These provide benefits over traditional classrooms- can allow students time to think, less pressure, peer-reviewed work, etc
- CSILE: Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environments
see paper (circled)
p. 267- discussion of how bad US schools are
p. 279- benefits of using knowledge-building communities