If my dissertation involves human communication in virtual environments, and how we might go about raising it (allow for non-verbal communication, politeness theory, etc- that humans use in everyday communication)
How might we go about raising human communication levels (more channels supported) in virtual environments?
How might agents employ more of these human communication techniques?
Author explains how there is a lack of human communication channels used by agents in virtual environments.
Huge potential for improvement of face-to-face communication in a virtual environment. Author uses many human communication theories, and suggests that communication agents can use these communication tools to raise levels of interaction among agents in a virtual environment.
Dialogue model involves: information state, dialogue acts, recognition rules, selection rules, realization rules
Layers of communication: contact layer, attention layer, conversation layer, negotiation layer (big -> small)
Conversation: participants -> initiatives -> grounding -> topic -> rhetorical connections -> social commitments -> negotiation (turn taking)
- see models mentioned above
- many communication theories referenced (look here)
see paper (circled)