Paul Grice

A great summary:

His book:  Studies in the Ways of Words (philosophy of language)
    focuses on 'ordinary language', and assertion -> meaning


He establishes the cooperative principle - when we communicate we try to cooperate with the person we are speaking to by following the four maxims below.

We try to follow four maxims when speaking to others:

  1. quantity (be succinct - dpn't say too much than necessary)

  2. quality (be truthful)

  3. relevance (be relevant)

  4. manner (be clear)

We assume others are following these maxims when speaking to us, and vice versa. This eases the creation of an isomorphic meme state. (Cooperative principle)

Deception occurs when people violate the above maxims.  For example:  omission and exaggeration isn't considered lying while denial and fabrication are.  All are types of deception.