Walter Lippmann
A New York Times Journalist
Invented "Public Opinion" (title of his book)
- Public opinion- term he coined- explains modern democratic politics
- discussed how the media serves a vital role of informing the public on
their democracy, and how the media can be persuaded by government or big
business (money = control of media = power in a democracy)
- most people devote little time to catching up on the world- their
opinions can be manipulated by the media easily
- most people form simple stereotypes of what is really going on
- government can use persuasion to make a common will, gain support
- all media is biased, and we must as a society make an effort to
create an unbiased and truthful source of information (a machinery of
- Truth-
- The Elite-
- Democracy vs. Republic-
paper on Lippmann's book Public Opinion