Organizational Communication (Dr. Ady)
Intercultural Communication (Dr. Kunimoto)
Berger Article: Chautauqua: Why Are There So Few Communication Theories? (click for my summary)
PDF: click here
Communication is a fragmented discipline with little theory generation
Communication theories borrow more from other disciplines than they contribute back
We need to focus less on methodologies and skills training, more on generating creative theories
We need to change the reward system so that new theories are rewarded (publishing, tenure, classroom), and make reduce the risk to one's ego if partially proved wrong
Redding Article (response to Berger): Response to Professor Berger's essay: Its meaning for organizational communication. (click for my summary)
PDF: click here
Agrees with Berger's arguments, but disagrees about the lack of importance on practice
States the real world application (practice) may be helpful in testing, and in creating new theories
Org. Comm. contributes to the fragmentation of communication theories- but a historical explanation shows its background in human relations may show why it's an applied science (focus on methods more than theoretical aspect)
We need to encourage more theory generation as Berger suggests- maybe prototyping theories in the classroom, and learning historical, rhetorical, ethnographical and critical theory would help
His main argument: many good ideas / theories CAN emerge from practice in the real world, however we shouldn't give merit to those who are simply skills instructors and don't contribute at all to theory generation
2 readings about Effectiveness & Outcomes Issues:
One by Cameron & Whetten (handout)
One by Downs & Clampit (handout)
Dr. Ady said we should know Downs, and the relationship between communication, satisfaction and productivity. Two articles I found that highlight this relationship:
Downs, et. al. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Relationships Between Organizational Commitment and Organizational Communication. Available Here (PDF)
Downs, et. al. Relationship Between Communication Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Three Guatemalan Organizations. Available here (PDF)
My notes and thoughts on the relationship between communication, satisfaction and productivity
Wiseman Article: Intercultural Communication Competence: Handbook of Intercultural and International Communication. Available:
Brislin & Yoshida: Intercultural Communication Training: an Introduction.
Singer: Intercultural Communication: A Perceptual Approach
Samovar: Understanding Intercultural Communication
See also: CIS Theory Primary Section on Intercultural Communication (Geert Hofstede and Min-Sun Kim, Ed Hall, Gudykunst, etc)
A source for trust building: (D. Gordon)
Effective teaching in diverse classrooms:
Exam Question / Format: click here (Word doc)
Sample Exam Question Response: click here (Word doc)
My topic for the exam: An Intercultural Training Program for Teachers facing Multicultural Groups of Students
Focus on examining cross-cultural communication trends in the classroom and virtual classroom (global village - McLuhan)
Define culture shock, cultural differences, and intercultural communication competence through work of Hofstede, Min-Sun Kim, Fontaine, Markus and Kitayama, Hall and Wiseman
Experience culture shock, explore one's own culture in comparison to others, and develop cultural empathy
Develop strategies to counter culture shock in the classroom, allow for equal participation from members of other cultures
Role play and test these strategies, put them into practice and evaluate them
Communication Theory Area
of Interest:
(this area
cross listed under Communication Theory Primary)